Shooting, Editing, & Apologies.
I love photography. I love taking pictures.
I hate editing.
I love taking the pictures and seeing the end result, but I hate the editing part. Oh sure, I could just not edit and go from camera to post/print... but it doesn't work that way. There are always minor color balancing and contrast and brightness adjustments to make. And its usually good to do minor touch ups on distracting elements. And really, it could be a quick process to edit/upload. But I'm such a perfectionist that minor adjustments become a lengthly process. And then I get behind. And catching up from falling behind is just impossible.
That's why I'm a month behind on editing/uploading my 365. Behind on Anna Lynn's senior portraits (sorry anna lynn!) and if I don't get crack-a-lackin... I'll be falling behind on Miller wedding pictures and then Shelby's senior portraits (which I just shot today!). That doesn't even include the events and trips I haven't even touched... like May's Women's Retreat, June's trip to New Orleans, August's trip to San Francisco, and so many more.
I have lots of excuses and reasons for being so behind, and for why its impossible to catch up. And most of them are actually pretty legit (schoolwork, work work, chores, etc). But I'd like to apologize to everyone for being behind. Sure it only effects most of you by not letting you see current 365 pics. But for some, it means waiting for pictures I've promised to you again and again. And again, I promise I really will get to them, eventually. Just keep gently prodding me, and reminding me, and I'll find the time to do them.
In other news, I met with an advisor this week who confirmed that so long as I take my remaining 15 credits next semester, I'll graduate in May!!! I'll be done! Its so hard to believe its so close, and even harder to believe how quickly college has flown by.
So now I'm starting to look forward to graduation and imagine life without school.... for the first time in 16-17 years! I have this dreamesque idea in my head that after graduation I can work part-time and start building my photograhy and art business, working from home, keeping on top of editing and updating my website; I see myself keeping on top of chores and keeping the house clean and making amazing dinners; I see my day starting with waking up in the morning to coffee and muffins and then editing pictures before spending some time making pots on the kick-wheel, meeting Jeff for lunch, doing some family portraits in the afternoon... It sounds wonderful, and it makes perfect sense in my head, and its a nice dream to reach for, but I'm not so sure that it'll happen quite as ideally as I picture. But who knows, we'll see.