
- Loves -
photography, people, weddings
painting (acrylic & watercolor), sewing, pottery, making handmade books & cards, and, of course, photography

cooking & baking
I recently finished a small cookbook!

I graduated May 2010
I finished a thesis exploring identity and self-portraiture

friends & family
They keep me sane, focused, and thankful. My husband encourages me, leads me, & loves me. 

God & my church family
Christ is my savior, and I am eternally grateful for His gift of salvation. All I do, I try to do for the glory of God and His kingdom. 

- Dislikes -
printer errors, camera errors, operator errors

laundry, vacuuming, & dishes

bad drivers, people with bad attitudes, bad instructions, bad directions, & bad hair days

cold weather, dead flowers, gray & brown scenery, wind, & when it gets dark early


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