Sunday, March 6, 2011

While the cat's away the mouse will play

My dear hubby went out of town this weekend with his dad.  His uncle was holding a Kenpo (karate) seminar and asked Jeff and his dad to come down.  Jeff invited me to come with them, kindly reminded me that I would likely get bored, but that he'd love to have me there anyways.  I declined.  I love my hubby and hate not go with him on trips, but on kenpo trips I really do get bored sitting to the side and watching.  And considering my laptop is on its deathbed, I wouldn't be able to work on anything during the trip.  So at home I stayed. 

All week I thought to myself how great it would be to have the house to myself for a few days, with some quiet time to catch up. But then the morning of his departure I found myself wanting him to stay.  It didn't help that we were bickering like little children.  I blame the car rental. 

Normally we always take our Mazda on any/all road trips because its newer, is still under warranty, gets amazing gas mileage, and is comfortable. However, we realized that our remaining warranty is fading away, and while everyone else pitches in for gas, we end up with the wear and tear on the car.  And so Jeff decided to book a car from Enterprise. We went to pick up the car and they informed us that if jeff wanted to drive the car it would be an extra $60.  Why?  Because Jeff isn't 25.  He's 24 and many months (his birthday is in June).  Because the car company pays additional liability when younger drivers rent cars, they pass the cost along to their customers.  {I think its ridiculous.. I know lots of drivers who are over 25 who drive like maniacs and lots of drivers under 24 who are great drivers... and to me it would make a lot more sense to pull up someone's driving record and base the additional fee on that rather than their age.}

Anyway, so we said, no thanks, Jeff's dad can drive the whole trip and we won't have to pay the $60.  But they require a huge deposit if you aren't using a credit card, and whoever is the driver has to pay the deposit (again, ridiculous... ).  And so they ended up charging Jeff the $60, so he could pay the deposit.  Then after signing all the paperwork the clerk asks if we want to buy auto insurance.  { First... why are you asking us after we sign the paperwork and give you the deposit??  Second, if we are responsible for the car, and we either buy insurance or risk it, where does the $60 liability charge comes from if Enterprise won't be responsible for the car in an accident anyways??}

At this point all three of us are in sour moods, we walk outside and it is not a Corolla like they said it would be, but instead some morphed vehicle: part funeral herst, part truck, part car combination.  At this point, I'm trying to convince Jeff to just take our car.  The morph vehicle looks like it gets horrible gas mileage, its not covered by insurance, we have to pay an extra $60 just to rent the car, all on top of already paying to rent the car and pay for gas!  But Jeff calmed me down, called our insurance provided, who assured us the rental car is covered under our normal insurance, and told me everything would be all right.  He gave me a long hug and then had me follow him to his dad's house.  There he gave me another big hug, some encouragement, and then sent me on home.

I'd had plenty of excitement that morning and didn't feel up to jumping right into my list of tasks.  And instead I spent the rest of Friday, and all of Saturday being sub-par productive.  Over the last couple days I may or may not have:

  • Watched an entire season of Drop Dead Diva in one day. (darn you netflix) 13 episodes is a lot of tv, but watching tv while doing something else is multitasking, right?? {and in my defense, the show is way more interesting than the title gives off}
  • Ate a few too many girl scout cookies
  • Sewed two pillow cases to match the duvet cover I finished almost completed a few months ago (its still missing a zipper)
  • Lunch + dinner = delicious chicken sausage, sauteed onion & bellpepper sandwiches with homemade spicy german mustard (from my mom's cousin), plus a few more cookies
  • Made some apple cinnamon oatmeal bars (in hopes to lay off the cookies)
  • Ate more girl scout cookies along with the oatmeal bars
  • Caught up on a little photo editing
  • Dinner = mac n cheese
  • Watched Alice in Wonderland
  • Nap
  • More girl scout cookies
In short, my weekend revolved around food, the couch, the computer, and the TV.  All I can say in my defense is that sometimes we need a weekend to be less productive that we have to.  Plus the house was already clean because our landlord came over to look at our warped bathroom floor, and I had already cleaned, folded, and put away all our laundry.

And as I sit on the couch waiting for my dear hubby to get home so we can eat some Taco Salad and snuggle, I'm revising my weekend task list for Monday.

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Laura March 7, 2011 at 9:52 AM  

I had a weekend like that too. The only productive things I did were: moving the dyed fiber into the house so it could dry; fluffing and braiding the dyed fiber that was dry; walked the new pony around the pasture and picked up her feet.

I also read 3 books, took a nap and finally succumbed to the cold that I'd been trying to fight off. Oh, and I made Patstitio (Greek mac & cheese with lamb and tomato sauce). Comfort food, gotta love it!


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